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"The skill of forming a real attraction and bond is the ultimate goal of day game and approaching women in locations other than clubs and bars". Rami PUA.

The Biggest Mistake Guys Make When Approaching Women on the Street

the biggest mistake guys make when approaching women on the street Nov 29, 2023

The Biggest Mistake Guys Make When Approaching Women on the Street

Approaching women during the day can be intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. In this article, we will discuss the biggest mistake that guys make when approaching women on the street and how to avoid it. By understanding this common pitfall, you can increase your chances of making a positive impression and taking your game to the next level.

The Mistake: Being Apologetic
One of the most common mistakes guys make when approaching women on the street is being apologetic. This means approaching with a hesitant or apologetic mindset, which can come across as lacking confidence and self-assurance. Apologizing or feeling like a burden can instantly turn off a woman and make her less likely to engage in a conversation with you.

Why Being Apologetic Doesn't Work:
Women are busy and have their own agendas, but that doesn't mean they are not open to meeting new people. In fact, a confident and charming approach can be quite enticing for them. By being apologetic, you are sending the message that you are unsure of yourself and that you are bothering them. This mindset can sabotage your chances of making a genuine connection.

How to Avoid Being Apologetic:

1. Shift Your Mindset: Instead of approaching with an apologetic mindset, remind yourself that you have something valuable to offer. Approach with confidence and a positive attitude, knowing that you are not a burden but someone who can bring joy and interesting conversation into their day.

2. Be Direct and Authentic: When approaching a woman, be direct and genuine in your intentions. Avoid beating around the bush or making excuses for approaching her. Instead, be clear about why you are approaching and express your genuine interest in getting to know her.

3. Respect Boundaries: While it's important to be confident, it's equally important to respect a woman's boundaries. If she shows disinterest or asks you to leave, gracefully accept her response and move on. Respect her decision and understand that not every interaction will lead to a connection.

By avoiding the mistake of being apologetic when approaching women on the street, you can significantly improve your chances of making a positive impression and building meaningful connections. Remember to approach with confidence, be direct and authentic, and always respect a woman's boundaries. With practice and the right mindset, you can navigate past this common pitfall and elevate your game to the next level.




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