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"The skill of forming a real attraction and bond is the ultimate goal of day game and approaching women in locations other than clubs and bars". Rami PUA.

Direct Is the Best Way In Daygame

Nov 28, 2023

The clearer and more direct you are, the better your results will be when interacting with women. Women also respect men who are honest without appearing desperate or clingy; this attitude comes from a person's inner strength and self-assurance.


A confident and strong man standing tall with his back straight, head up, and an open, honest expression on his face. His voice is soft and clear as he speaks, leaving no room for misunderstanding or doubt. His gaze is steady and unwavering, conveying an aura of power and assurance.


He listens intently to the woman, allowing her time to respond before responding with thoughtfulness and respect. The man stands with the assurance of one who knows his place in the world and is not afraid to make his voice heard. His body language is open and relaxed, but his eye contact is unwavering.


The strength and self-assurance he exudes is visible in every movement, every word. An air of assurance around the person, with a straight and unyielding posture, and a subtle smile that implies understanding of the situation.


Rami PUA 




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