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"The skill of forming a real attraction and bond is the ultimate goal of day game and approaching women in locations other than clubs and bars". Rami PUA.

Daygame - Reflecting on Your Sets

reflecting on your sets Dec 06, 2023

Reflecting on Your Sets: A Guide to Evaluating Your Approaches

When it comes to improving your approach skills and learning from your interactions, reflection is key. By asking yourself specific questions and analyzing your approaches, you can gain valuable insights and make adjustments for future interactions. Here are some questions to consider when reflecting on your sets:

1. What kind of approach did I use?
Start by evaluating the approach you used. Did you approach directly or indirectly? Did you use a situational opener or a direct compliment? Understanding the approach style you used can help you identify what works best for you and what may need improvement.

2. Did I start off with a strong opener?
The opening line sets the tone for the conversation. Reflect on whether your opener was engaging, genuine, and relevant to the situation. Did it capture the girl's attention and make her interested in continuing the conversation? If not, consider brainstorming and practicing different openers to improve your initial impact.

3. Did I keep the conversation going?
Maintaining a flowing conversation is crucial for building a connection. Reflect on whether you were able to keep the conversation going beyond the initial opener. Did you ask open-ended questions and actively listen to her responses? Did you contribute interesting and relevant insights to keep the conversation engaging? Assess your ability to sustain a meaningful dialogue.

4. How did the girl respond?
Consider the girl's responses during the interaction. Did she seem interested and engaged, or did she appear disinterested or unresponsive? Reflect on her body language, tone of voice, and overall demeanor. This can provide valuable feedback on how well your approach resonated with her and whether adjustments are needed.

5. Did I make a connection with her?
Evaluate whether you were able to establish a genuine connection with the girl. Did you find common interests or shared experiences? Did you create a sense of rapport and make her feel comfortable? Reflect on the level of connection you were able to establish and consider ways to deepen it in future interactions.

6. Did I handle any awkward moments gracefully?
Awkward moments can happen during conversations, and how you handle them can make a significant difference. Reflect on whether you were able to navigate any awkward moments with grace and humor. Did you maintain your composure and keep the conversation flowing smoothly? Assess your ability to handle unexpected situations and adjust accordingly.

7. Did I know when to leave?
Knowing when to end the conversation is just as important as starting it. Reflect on whether you were able to gauge the right timing to gracefully exit the interaction. Did you leave on a positive note, expressing interest in seeing her again or exchanging contact information? Assess your ability to read social cues and end the conversation on a high note.

By regularly reflecting on your sets and asking yourself these specific questions, you can identify areas for improvement and make adjustments to enhance your approach skills. Remember, reflection is a valuable tool for growth and learning. With practice and self-awareness, you can refine your approach techniques and increase your chances of building meaningful connections with women.



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