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Cold Approach and Openers

cold approach and openers Nov 06, 2023

Openers and Cold Approaching 

When it comes to openers and initiating conversations, it's important to approach interactions with respect, genuine curiosity, Here are some examples :

1. Genuine Compliment Opener: Start the conversation by offering a sincere and specific compliment. For example, "I couldn't help but notice your smile. It's contagious! Mind if I join you?"

2. Shared Experience Opener: Find a common situation or observation to initiate the conversation. For instance, "Isn't this event amazing? I'm really enjoying the energy here. What brought you to this event?"

3. Interest-Based Opener: If you notice something about the person that indicates a shared interest, use that as a conversation starter. For example, "I couldn't help but notice your book. I'm a big fan of that author. Have you read any of their other works?"

4. Light-hearted Question Opener: Ask a fun and non-intrusive question that encourages a playful and light-hearted conversation. For instance, "If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Remember, the key is to approach conversations with genuine interest, respect, and a focus on building a connection. By using openers that create a positive and comfortable atmosphere, you increase the chances of having a meaningful and enjoyable interaction.



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