Master Daygame and Approaching Women with Rami PUA

One to one Coaching By Zoom or Face to Face



Approaching girls during the day is not about being sleazy or manipulative. It's about taking control of dating life: 


Day game is all about having the confidence to approach someone and being honest and up front with your intentions. It's not about being sleazy or manipulative, it's about laying your cards on the table and seeing how she responds.



About Rami

What is Daygame?  ➝

Rami PUA 

Starting in 2007 and continuing into 2024, Rami made it his mission to refine his methods and pass on his expertise to aspiring seducers. Thanks to his mentorship programs, he has guided numerous individuals in improving their dating lives and achieving incredible personal growth.


Rami PUA has been a key figure in the establishment of Daygame In London since 2009.


"Daygame is all about having the courage to strike up a conversation with a woman during your daily routine. This could happen anywhere, whether it's on the street, in a store, or even at a restaurant. The idea behind Daygame is to take initiative and engage with someone you find appealing".  Rami.

Day game

Day game is an art form. It requires a certain level of social intelligence and finesse. In order to approach women in the street or in any public place, you must be able to read the situation and the people around you. Doing so will help you determine when and how to best make your move.


Direct Daygame 

Direct daygame is a bold and honest approach to meeting women during the day. It requires courage, honesty, and practice to master, but with the right method, anyone can become proficient in it. Direct daygame promotes authenticity, effective communication, and confidence, making it a valuable skill in the dating world. While it may not be an easy approach, the rewards of finding a genuine and compatible partner make it worth the effort. So go out there, be direct, and find your perfect match.

It's crucial for your intentions and words to be in sync. Your approach should exude a sense of man-to-woman interaction, not a friendly chat between friends. This means that within the first 30 seconds, the woman should know that you find her attractive and are interested in getting to know her to see if she is single and open to dating. 


To become proficient in direct daygame, one must understand that it takes practice to master. Just like any other skill, it requires time and effort to become good at it.


The key is to develop a method that works best for you and stick to it. Some people may find it helpful to have a specific opening line, while others may prefer to have a casual conversation and then express their interest in the woman.


The important thing is to find what works best for you and practice it consistently.


Rami Daygame Infields: 


In London and East Europe. 


Learn and Master Solo Daygame

In this instructional video, Rami will lead you through the process of mastering solo Daygame step by step.

Venturing out on your own without a wingman and approaching women during the day is the ultimate challenge in daygame and mastering the skill. It's essential to becoming an expert at picking up women during the daytime.


The phenomenon of "Mr. Nice Guy" finishing last and how Daygame techniques can benefit those who are often labeled as such.


Daygame is the cure for MR Nice guy! 



Overcome Your Insecurities When Approaching Women During the Day




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